Trisomy 13 - Dignity and Grace in Life and Death
On September 14, 2001 Andrew and I found out we were expecting our 3rd baby. We had done this twice before and I was not that concerned or anxious to get to the Dr. right away. We were very excited even though we had not actually "tried" to conceive. We had also decided we would keep it a secret as long as possible! :) Love to keep a good secret! On October 31st we had our first ultrasound and discovered that our baby had markers for a chromosomal disorder as well as tachycardia. Devastated at hearing this we shed lots of tears and I experienced a lot of worry, anger, and fear at what lied ahead of us. I prayed many times that if the Lord was going to give us a baby that would not live that He would just go ahead and take it from us right then. On November 23rd, I began spotting and cramping but since it was Thanksgiving weekend we waited til the following Monday to go to the Dr. where we found out that there was no heart beat and our baby was resting safely in the arms of Je...